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Thursday, April 23, 2020


Daphne browsed the store until she got to what she liked most: dolls. She had a small collection of them. She picked up a few dolls to look up closer, and as she was holding one of them, another one that was  standing close suddenly fell for no apparent reason. It called her attention, and she grabbed the doll to fix it back into place, but as she looked at the doll it seemed special to her; the doll's little blue eyes were so pretty and vivid that Daphne decided: that was the one she was going to buy.
When she got back home, she found a spot for the doll on the shelf in her bedroom with the other dolls she had. This doll was a little bigger than the others; it had a porcelain face, hands and legs; it had curly blonde hair, a pledged sky-blue dress, a little white purse on her arm, and a white hat with little yellow flowers. It was perfect and Daphne was happy for her new acquisition.

Excerpt from "A Moment In Time", a short story book by C.Crow

Copyright C. Crow - all rights reserved

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