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Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Doctor Stanley's favorite coffee shop was very crowded that afternoon, but he didn't mind waiting on the line, since he surely wanted to enjoy his mocha with croissant. But, for some reason, the line wasn't moving at all. When Doctor Stanley, a very busy psychotherapist, realized something was wrong, he heard a woman talking loud behind him. She was overweight and had an angry expression while screaming behind his back.
"Why is it taking so long? I have an appointment, can't be here all day! And you, mister, why don't you start moving ahead?" she poked Doctor Stanley's back. "Look how much space ahead of you! Go, go! Let's not waste time here! Just a bunch of snails!"
Doctor Stanley turned around and looked at the woman while fixing his glasses above his nose. With a firm look at her, he said: "Listen, Mrs. if you think you are the only busy person here, you are completely wrong. I also have a very important compromise, which is to treat people just like you. People that think they are the center of the universe, that everyone must do what they want them to do. In summary, I have a patient waiting to see me, and her nervous condition is what I need to take care of."
The woman was listening to him with big eyes; she didn't expect that sermon. He continued: "So, don't think you are the only one nervous on this line. Here is my card; you may be in need, in case you realize."
He gave her his business card, and the woman had a big surprise.
" you are Doctor Stanley? I'm afraid I am the patient you'll have to see this afternoon." she smiled ashamed.
"Aha! Isn't that funny?" he told her sarcastically.

Short story by C. Crow - all rights reserved.