" I just stared at the scenes like visions that the powerful eye started to show me, staring at them like an unmovable shadow, which I was then feeling at that moment. A castle, old, dark, surrounded by waters and dead trees. I was going through the dark halls dimmed lighted by a torch that someone was carrying.
Long; very long seemed to be those halls like an endless labyrinth. I was once again searching for someone inside that dark building of rocks.
Found stairs and up I went. More halls, and all the way to the end, steps slowing down, I felt my heart beat 'there', not 'here', where only still kind of empty shadow I was. That someone's heartbeats I could feel - why? What could be waiting behind that heavy wooden door that I was seeing at the front of my eyes now?"
Sample of C.Crow's new writings soon to be published on Amazon kindle.
Copyright C. Crow - all rights reserved