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Monday, October 31, 2016


                               THE CASTLE- MEDIEVAL VISIONS

" I just stared at the scenes like visions that the powerful eye started to show me, staring at them like an unmovable shadow, which  I was then feeling at that moment. A castle, old, dark, surrounded by waters and dead trees. I was going through the dark halls dimmed lighted by a torch that someone was carrying.
Long; very long seemed to be those halls like an endless labyrinth. I was once again searching for someone inside that dark building of rocks.
Found stairs and up I went. More halls, and all the way to the end, steps slowing down, I felt my heart beat 'there', not 'here', where only still kind of empty shadow I was. That someone's heartbeats I could feel - why? What could be waiting behind that heavy wooden door that I was seeing at the front of my eyes now?"

Sample of  C.Crow's new writings soon to be published on Amazon kindle.
Copyright C. Crow - all rights reserved

Friday, September 23, 2016


Nature was always very important and sacred for the Native American people, and basically to all Native people around the Earth. They always had respect for everything that was given to them, never taking anything without a reason.
There was, and still, there is a deep connection between the people and all things Nature, even a small stone has a spirit. For the Native American people, especially the Lakota people, we are all related; people from all races across the planet, the animals, plants, and minerals; we are all related being all part of the Creator.
"I am the Essence" is a poem that evokes the deep connection between the red people and Nature, which has always existed for millenniums since the beginning of creation, in this case, the existence of the Native American people. It doesn't mean that only the Native Americans have this connection since all the races are connected and we all came from the same Creator, but the subject of this poem is centered on the Native American people's spiritual essence.

Copyright C. Crow - all rights reserved


Thursday, September 8, 2016


Love, Life, Forever...Tasunke Witko Lives! is a kindle book by C.Crow consisting of poems about Native American people, specifically two groups; one of them being the people called the Anasazi that lived in the Southwest of the United States, which mysteriously disappeared.
The Lakota people are the other group of Native Americans who are the subject of the poems, but the main focus is really the warrior and chief Crazy Horse (TASUNKE WITKO). 
They are spiritual poems, which means they were channeled from spiritual sources.
This kindle book also contains eleven pictures made by the author; ten color pictures and one black and white. You can find the kindle e-book and printed paperback.
They are also part of a book written by C.Crow which is still to be published sometime soon.
You can find the book at